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Elite Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine LLC

Elite Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine LLC

Best Elite Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine LLC - FITNESS CENTER

If you suffer from back pain, you are far from being alone. Four out of five adults experience the symptoms of low back pain at least once in their lifetime. There are many causes of back pain. Below are some of the most common: Muscular strains, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, ligamentous strains. Prevention is the best way to avoid injury, including back disorders. Take these steps to prevent back pain today. Tip#1: When lifting objects, bend your knees and use the muscles of your legs, not the muscles of your back. Tip#2: When moving extremely heavy objects, push rather than pull the item. Tip#3: Wear shoes that are flat or have very low heels. Tip#4: If sitting or driving for long periods of time, tale a break and stretch every few hours. Tip#5: Exercise on a regular basis. What is osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is also known as the knees and hip. More than 20 million people in the United States are affected by osteoarthritis. Running injuries, although running is great source of exercise, runners are more susceptable to various injuries due to the stress this activity places on the legs. For example, each time a runner's foot hits the ground it generates forces equivalent to at least three times the body's weight. Maybe this is the reason 70% of runners will experience an injury at some point! Let's take a look at the three most common running injuries. Illiobial Band Syndrome, Runners Knee, Shin Splints. Understanding osteoporosis is a disease characterized by progressive loss of bone density. This results in thinning of bone tissue making one more susceptible to fractures, or broken bones. Although the incidence of osteoporosis is greater in women, men are also afffected. Over ten million individuals in the United States today are affected by osteoporosis. It is a disease that is resonsible for greater than 1.5 million fractures annually. Making it a significant health care issue. .



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