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Catamaran Marketing Agency

Catamaran Marketing Agency



Marketing on the Edge If you are not exploring and utilizing the most innovative marketing tools you are not getting all you can out of your effort, time, and money. At Catamaran we are constantly on the lookout for new innovations from inbound marketing to customer management to ensure that our clients are at the cutting edge, increasing customer engagement, and improving their bottom line. Focus On What You Do Best As quickly as the world of business and marketing is evolving it is becoming increasingly impossible to be an expert at everything. Instead it is critical to find and develop core competencies that set you apart from the crowd. We proudly partner with developers, like Constant Contact, that create industry leading tools for reaching and managing clients. We, in turn, provide the know how to utilize and get the most out of these tools so that you spend less time worrying about finding your customers and more time serving them. We Hand You the Keys We have no interest in taking over your company or telling you how to run things. At Catamaran we only want to empower our clients with the marketing tools and knowledge that they need to succeed. We gladly organize and manage our clients programs and information, but give you full access to accounts and passwords so that you can take over and drive at any time. .




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6139 Lockwood Dr Windsor, CA 95492
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Thomas Gird

Member since 2 years ago
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