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Covington School of Music

Covington School of Music



Wanda Cullen, Assistant Director and Director Emeritus of the Louisiana Academy of Performing Arts and the Covington School of Musichad a mission back in 1978 to help students of all ages learn the love of music through piano lessons and piano instruction. Since that time so many years ago, the Covington School of Musichas evolved from a piano school in the back of Wanda's home in New Orleans to Louisiana's premier, private academy of music, dance and the performing arts. Our music faculty are hand picked by the school directors from the many hundreds of applicants that we receive annually. Great care is taken to select candidates who are not only incredible performers and excellent all around musicians, but also outstanding educators who are able to break down key concepts in numerous ways. As each student is unique in his or her learning process, this ensures that our musicfaculty are able to have at least one way of communicating these concepts to the individual student that will be easily understood. We also offer preschool programs, rock pop and jazz band ensembles! .




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1111 Village Walk BLDG B Covington, LA 70433
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Thomas Gird

Member since 2 years ago
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