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GulfStream Urology Associates, P.A.

GulfStream Urology Associates, P.A.


Gulfstream Urology Associates, PA is dedicated to providing the highest possible degree of personalized care for our patients. Our doctors and staff will make every effort to ensure each individual receives courteous and professional treatment. We specialize in the application of 21st century technology in our delivery of care. Our office offers state of the art equipment including digital cystoscopes, urodynamics, microwave thermotherapy for BPH, and a new ultrasound machine. We are progressing towards a paperless office which allows electronic storage of records which are available at the touch of a button. Our doctors specialize in laparoscopy and minimally invasive surgery. They utilize the da Vinci robotic system to perform radical prostatectomy and kidney reconstruction. Other treatments include laparoscopic removal of kidney tumors, laser therapy for BPH, and a full range of minimally invasive options for kidney stones and urinary incontinence. We are proud to serve the local community and welcome our patients from afar. .




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579 NW Lake Whitney Pl Ste 105 Port Saint Lucie, FL 34986
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Thomas Gird

Member since 2 years ago
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